Tuesday, June 24, 2014


......ONE FINE DAY...!

Its a lovely day here in kuala lumpur today as I sit under a shady branch of a tree which reminds me of the mango trees back in Lahore , Pakistan,at my grandparents huge estate..where my cousins and I would climb up the mango trees to break of the sour raw  mangoes (keearies.pronounced as kaay-ries..as they are called in Urdu) which  once sliced and laced with salt and chili powder kept us for hours under the shady branches of the tree in the hot sweltering summer afternoons sizzling our tongues and dousing  our lips in cool iced lemonades..sharing witch stories..

Sigh those were the days...they seem like years ago...as I recollect memories from my childhood days they surely are care free moments to cherish as I sit  under this nameless tree branching out its leaves swaying in the balmy breeze writing away with every  inch of myself satiated in self ease..not that this word makes any sense..but to me at this very moment it does..

People don't normally write to entertain others..they write putting down thoughts on paper..they write to self evaluate certain aspects within themselves...to document their everyday life...to find focus and to streamline..MAYBE in my opinion..

Its called getting a load off your shoulders..venting out at a loved one..saying things you would not normally say on any othergiven day..not having to rush home but sit lazily nestled between two high-rises sipping coffee and digging into sinful tiramisu... now I smile...24 years later..I still yearn for those sliced chili mangoes.

I sit pondering will my boisterous happy go lucky children be as lucky  to experience the days with their cousins as I did with mine... will they sit or have the pleasure of sitting at ease 20 years down the lane, I choose lane just because the word 'road' to me denotes a pathway racing with heavy traffic..I wish them little cobblestone streets or pretty country lanes where they walk with heads up high , and reminisce memories..
,.don't get me wrong I don't wish them to be ignorant of the world or be in denial of the cruelty being inflictedupon the lesser ones or societies being torn apart .or economies collapse..the absence of values and morals ...I just wish they choose amidst all this craziness a life with meaning  which we so desperately hold onto  as this tumultuous storm threatens to overthrow what chose to  built itself around us..and I say 'what chose to built itself around us' just because we took it all for granted never occurring to us it would no longer be available 30 years up the lane... and that we would have to desperately search for that essence or time or commodity for that matter it would be called now

I shift my thoughts and gaze to the people frolicking near at the symphony lake..the fountains swaying with music.... which brings the famous song to my mind and I just can't helping humming it as I head home...

...like a flower bending in the breeze..
Bend with me, sway with me....

When we dance you have a way with me
...stay with me, sway with me....

I can hear the sounds of the violins
Long before it begins

Make me thrill as only you know how
Sway me smooth, sway me now

...like a lazy ocean hugs the shore...
..hold me close, sway me now....

I can't help but softly smile as the words sink in...
Something more powerful than just what are mere motions around me encapsulates my entire being in peace which I believe is the first step in obtaining strength and that in itself is larger than life....

One fine day!!


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